Monday, March 28, 2011

Where does the time go?

You are now 10 days old!  Where does the time go?  You have amazed us in this short time.  You have had your first doctor visit, your biliruben was a little high so we had to go back the next day and have it rechecked.  It was coming down so we didn't have to do anything further.  You were so calm when we got to the doctor's office.  It's in the hospital where you were born.  Daddy said it was becuase at the time you had spent more that half your life there. 
The rest of the week we just tried to adjust to your schedule.  You seem to be a bit of a nightowl but we are adjusting to that.  We can't stop looking at you and can't believe that you are ours. 
You had a few visitors at home this week too. 

You Daddy went back to work today.  It was hard for him to leave you.  I sent him pictures during the day so he could see your face.  Your Grandma Sheila came to visit today.  She is going to stay the week and help Mommy get some things done and maybe let Mommy get some sleep.  She has hardly put you down or taken her eyes off you since she got here. 

Day 1 and Day 2

You started the day by the nurses wheeling you back in about 7:30 because you were hungry.  We spent a few hours alone and then the visitors started coming.  Your Grandma Sheila and Grandpa Richard came to spend the day with you. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!

Shawn and I left for the hospital about 6 on Friday, March 18th, and headed to the hospital. It all seemed very surreal to me.  I was on my way to be induced.  To have a baby.  You, baby girl.  How exciting and calm I was a the same time.  We checked into Labor and Delivery Room 10.   Dr. Klus came in after I was set up with my IV and they started pitocin.  Then about 7:20, Dr. Klus broke my water.  Then the waiting started.  So did the contractions.  About 9:00 they asked if I would like some pain medication.  I was trying not to have epidural right away since I was worried that it would slow down my contractions and I would be headed towards a long labor and maybe a c-section.  I opted to have Nubain that they told me would  "take the edge off"  Now, I don't know what edge they were referring to, but it become increasingly painful and after 40 minutes I asked how quickly I could have the epidural.  I think by the time I was pumped with fluids and the anesteiaologist was done, it was about 11:30 before I was laying calmly in bed pain free.  Daddy and I got a little rest.  Things progressed pretty well and I went from 3 to 5 to 7 by 1:00.  Dr. Klus came to check me at 3:00 and I was at 9.  She said she would be back about 3:30 to try some pushing.  The nurse had me try a few earlier and by 3:20 I was ready to try to push.  I thought I was just going to try some practice pushes.  Dr. came in at 3:40.  She checked things out and about 3:50 we were pushing.  They asked me if I wanted to mirror to watch. Your Dad answered "no" and everybody laughed.  I asked him if he wanted to check his hair or something.  But then really before I knew it I asked you Daddy of he could see anything.  At that moment the Dr. said she could see your fingers then I blinked and you were on my chest and Daddy was cutting the cord....4:07 p.m..  You and I got all cleaned up and Daddy went to call your grandparents to tell them you were here!  By 7:30 we were in the postpartum room 424 and we began our life as a family of three. 

Your first visitors were Grandma and Grandpa Brovold.  The Uncle Dave came by.  Your Great Aunt Pat, your Momma's God mother came by too.  By 10:30 we were on our own.  The first night we were both a little jumpy listening to every noise you made.  By 3 we were exhausted and you went with the nurse to spend some time in the nursery with the other new babies.

Lucky Day for us, March 17th, 2011

My pregnancy with you was overall great and unbelievable.  Everyday I couldn't believe that you were going to be a part of our lives.  I waited my whole life to have this miracle happen.  I went for my 39 week check up and non stress test on the 17th of March.  I was having these done since the side effects of carrying you (anemia, huge swollen ankles and feet, carpel tunnel, and borderline gestational diabetes) all put me into a Advance Maternal Age.  They thought you might be a big baby.  But this non stress test they could see your heartbeat on the monitor but couldn't get it to read on the printout.  With you being 39 weeks along, they did a ultrasound and found that my fluid was low.  Dr. Klus signed me up to be induce at 6:30 the next morning.  I tried to surprise your Daddy at work to have lunch, but he was already out and wanted to have lunch on Friday.  I said we would be busy on Friday having a baby.  So I ran a few errands and went home to pack last minute things for you.  Your Daddy got home and we cleaned up the house and got it ready for a cleaning we had planned already.  About 9 o'clock we went out to get dinner at Steak and Shake.  Woo Who.  And then we went to Wal-Mart so I could get some new pillowcases to take to the hospital.  We packed up the car and tried to get a good night sleep. But I know I was awake with the anticipation of you!

Dear Hannah

This blog is a way for your Daddy and I and your family document your life.  It is already going so fast and I am afraid we won't remember these moments.  So I will try my best to keep up with this so we can have as many precious memories as possible. 

Love, Momma