Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!

Shawn and I left for the hospital about 6 on Friday, March 18th, and headed to the hospital. It all seemed very surreal to me.  I was on my way to be induced.  To have a baby.  You, baby girl.  How exciting and calm I was a the same time.  We checked into Labor and Delivery Room 10.   Dr. Klus came in after I was set up with my IV and they started pitocin.  Then about 7:20, Dr. Klus broke my water.  Then the waiting started.  So did the contractions.  About 9:00 they asked if I would like some pain medication.  I was trying not to have epidural right away since I was worried that it would slow down my contractions and I would be headed towards a long labor and maybe a c-section.  I opted to have Nubain that they told me would  "take the edge off"  Now, I don't know what edge they were referring to, but it become increasingly painful and after 40 minutes I asked how quickly I could have the epidural.  I think by the time I was pumped with fluids and the anesteiaologist was done, it was about 11:30 before I was laying calmly in bed pain free.  Daddy and I got a little rest.  Things progressed pretty well and I went from 3 to 5 to 7 by 1:00.  Dr. Klus came to check me at 3:00 and I was at 9.  She said she would be back about 3:30 to try some pushing.  The nurse had me try a few earlier and by 3:20 I was ready to try to push.  I thought I was just going to try some practice pushes.  Dr. came in at 3:40.  She checked things out and about 3:50 we were pushing.  They asked me if I wanted to mirror to watch. Your Dad answered "no" and everybody laughed.  I asked him if he wanted to check his hair or something.  But then really before I knew it I asked you Daddy of he could see anything.  At that moment the Dr. said she could see your fingers then I blinked and you were on my chest and Daddy was cutting the cord....4:07 p.m..  You and I got all cleaned up and Daddy went to call your grandparents to tell them you were here!  By 7:30 we were in the postpartum room 424 and we began our life as a family of three. 

Your first visitors were Grandma and Grandpa Brovold.  The Uncle Dave came by.  Your Great Aunt Pat, your Momma's God mother came by too.  By 10:30 we were on our own.  The first night we were both a little jumpy listening to every noise you made.  By 3 we were exhausted and you went with the nurse to spend some time in the nursery with the other new babies.

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